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State Schools

The state schools in Ghana have very few facilities, and TEABAG provides educational materials and books.  It is also desperately trying to support the teachers working in the schools with Teaching & Learning expertise and Leadership support. Our Principal of our Vocational College and his team of teachers are trying to help where possible. Unfortunately the schools are often understaffed and it is very difficult. 

TEABAG supports in the villages of Mankoadze, Onyadze and Abrekum.


In Ghana, it is essential for children to have a school uniform - without it, they cannot go to school. To ensure that every child in the village gets an education, TEABAG provides around 80 school uniforms a year to children who otherwise would not be able to attend school. The uniforms are made at the Vocational College, but the materials cost around £1,200 year



The main school building in Mankoadze is 45 metres long with 5 classrooms. Each room has a door and a shuttered window leading out on both sides to a verandah which runs the length of the building. Each class has the old type wooden tables for each child and a table and chair for the teacher. A large blackboard occupies most of one of the end walls and there are few or no posters at all on the classroom walls. In the older student classrooms there is some teaching material on the wall provided by some British teachers who made a trip with TEABAG. Text books are in short supply.

High School

Students stay in their home village school until they are about 15 and have finished Junior High School. They then have to take exams in order to go on to High School. Since we have been involved in the village the results of the students in these exams has been improving significantly. Some families cannot afford to pay for the living expenses of their children when they go to High School where they will have to board as it is too far for them to travel daily.


For some students in the Village, the TEABAG Vocational Training Institute has become a great destination for further learning and future employment opportunities


Find us: 

TEABAG Charity

Unit 1, Lyndon Yard, Riverside Road

London, SW17 0BA

Call us:

020 3904 2451

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