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Welcome, and thank you for your interest in The Education And Book Appeal Ghana.


Fundraising is the biggest challenge facing a small bespoke charity like TEABAG. Our strategy is based around a very transparent approach on how we spend our money as a charity. Every penny goes direct to the village of Mankoadze. There are no expenses for Trustees of any description for anyone, at any time.We have a Fundraising committee which meets 7 - 8 times a year. However, we are always reviewing our approach and working to develop new contacts.


Our strategy is to identify potential philanthropists and corporate organisations who might be willing to donate and support our core aims of supporting education and infrastructure in Africa.

We have also been beneficiaries over the years from donations left to us. We call these ‘Friends’ or ‘Sponsors’ of TEABAG.


We have a 3 year strategy plan which we share with any potential donors and keep our website up to date to keep people informed of what we are doing. If you would like to know more about TEABAG and fundraising projects please contact us. We would be delighted to hear from you!



Find us: 

TEABAG Charity

Unit 1, Lyndon Yard, Riverside Road

London, SW17 0BA

Call us:

020 3904 2451

Charity No:


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